
This site is dedicated to the mandatory tasks for my digital portfolio in the E-assessment Course, spring 2014

First task: 
Present at least one paper from the list of literature for the peer students in the course.

Follow the links embedded in the pictures below to see the different components of the presentation

Summary of the article

Main Issues and Conclusions

Reflections on the paper's contribution to the field of e-assessment

Reflections on the articles contribution to the field of E-assessment from Ida Dahl on Vimeo.

Reflections on how to apply the idea of this paper in a relevant educational context

This article is already set in a relevant educational context while emphasizing what needs to be done both in regard of research and assessment practice in the years to come. 

Second task:
Comment on at least two of the other student literature presentations

Third Task: 
Participating in evaluating and making an overview of relevant technologies for assessment and their supposed application areas

Fourth Task: 
Reflections on how to apply the idea of this paper in a relevant educational context

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